The City of Fort Worth invites the submission of Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms interested in providing Architectural and Engineering services in connection with the expansion of the Fort Worth Convention Center. The Fort Worth Convention Center is located at 1201 Houston Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102.
SCOPE OF SERVICES DESIRED: The City of Fort Worth is requesting for Architectural and Engineering services. The City intends to complete this project in two phases.
Phase 1 will be to add a multiple story kitchen on the southeast corner of the existing building, demo the existing annex, renovate the existing southeast corner, straighten Commerce Street, and build back new loading docks. Estimated construction budget is approx. $35,000,0000.
Phase 2 will be to demo the existing arena and build back new exhibit hall, ballroom, kitchen, and meeting room space. As well as strategic renovation of existing building & site. The total anticipated project cost is in the $400 million to $450 million range.
It is the City’s intent to contract with a design firm for Phase 1 only. However, given the complexity of Phase 2, the City will be evaluating teams that can also accomplish both phases. The City of Fort Worth will reserve its rights to send out a new RFQ for Phase 2, if it is the best interest of the city and the project.
STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FORMAT: The professional services of design teams will be based on the AIA Standard Form 330 (Architect-Engineer Qualifications) and should include information on similar projects, proposed project staff and consultants and their qualifications, and client references with names, titles, telephone numbers, project names, and other pertinent data. The SOQ is limited to 40 pages total of content. Cover letters & dividers will not count as part of the total page count.
SOLICITATION TIMELINE AND KEY DATES: This solicitation will follow the below schedule of key events:
BUSINESS EQUITY FIRM UTILIZATION REQUIREMENTS: All proposers shall note that it is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation of Business Equity Firms (minority- and women-owned businesses (M/WBE)) in the procurement of services with a fee or cost of $100,000 or more by establishing a M/WBE Goal. The M/WBE goal on this project is 7% for professional services, and proposers should provide a preliminary Business Equity Plan on how these firms will be used on the project.
Short listed firms invited to submit proposals will be required to provide a “detailed” Business Equity Utilization Plan that shall include: (1) the name, address and telephone number of each certified M/WBE; (2) the description of the work to be performed by each certified M/WBE; and (3) percentage of the participation. The Business Equity firm(s) must be located in the City’s geographic market area at the time of proposal opening. The Business Equity Firm participation shall be firms located within the six (6) county geographic marketplace that has been accepted by the City of Fort Worth. The City’s geographic market includes the following six (6) counties: Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and Wise. Offerors are strongly encouraged to obtain certified M/WBE listing from the Business Equity Division at: or email or call (817) 392-2674 if you need further assistance. The City of Fort Worth accepts M/WBE certifications from the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (D/FW MSDC), and the Women’s Business Council (WBCS).
If a proposer fails to meet the stated Business Equity Goal, in part or in whole, then a detailed explanation must be submitted to explain the Good and Honest Efforts your firm made to secure participation. Failure to submit the Good Faith Effort Form participation information and the detailed explanation of the proposer’s Good and Honest Efforts to meet or exceed the stated Business Equity Goal may render the proposal nonresponsive.
DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION PROCESS: A selection team consisting of members from the Public Events Department, Property Management Department, Owners Agents, and stakeholders will review and evaluate the written responses to the Request for Statements of Qualifications (RFQ). The evaluation criteria will include the following:
- Firm’s Experience
- Convention Center Experience
i. Convention Center Renovation Experience
- Utility Infrastructure and Road Experience
- Projects of Similar Scale and Complexity
- Resumes of Key Staff
- Design Schedule & Cost Management Ability
- Techniques & Processes used to meet schedule & cost
- Ability to design a multi-phased capital project
- Ability to meet attached Milestones Schedule
- Knowledge of Fort Worth Market
- Experience with Projects in the Fort Worth Market
- Experience with Fort Worth Permitting Office
- Demonstrate an understanding of local partners, contractors, suppliers, and overall market.
The team will shortlist qualified Design firms to proceed to the interview stage of the evaluation process. During the interviews, teams are expected to expand on the information provided in the SOQ as it relates to the preceding evaluation criteria. Teams should be prepared to present relevant case studies demonstrating their process and abilities.
- This RFQ and other related documents are posted on the project website and can be accessed at the following link:
- The City of Fort Worth will require the selected firm to provide the below information when awarded.
- Form 1295 – The State required “Certificate of Interested Parties”
- The City staff will conduct a “SAM Search”, which requires your firm to be registered with the SAM website. And for our search we need a “Dunn’s Number”, which also requires registration with Dunn & Bradstreet.
RESPONSE SUBMISSION PROCESS: One electronic copy via USB/Flash drive and (15) hard copies of the SOQs must be received by Facilities Division of the Property Management Department, City of Fort Worth located at 401 West 13th Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The SOQs must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, March 24th, 2022.
QUESTIONS: For questions, contact David Crabtree at & Debbie Fulwiler at